The future of Estonian healthcare

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Health portal

Radiological images must be visible to everyone.

Arje Healthcare

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Ega oluline polegi, kas patsient saab pildist ise aru või ei saa. See loob lihtsalt võimaluse lähiajaloos tehtud pilti korduvkasutada erialaarstidel käies. Kas siis teha tagasiulatuv hinnang muutustest või kasutades kasvõi sama pilti alternatiivse/täpsema hinnangu saamiseks. Ma näen siin vähemalt 3 kasutegurit: 1. Patsient saab pildi olemasolul võimaluse selle pildi kohta vajadusel ka alternatiivset/täpsemat arvamust küsida teiselt kopsuarstilt 2. Kui aastad on mööda läinud, siis on võimalus teisele arstile, kes tõenäoliselt on selleks ajaks juba vahetunud, näidata kasvõi võrdlemiseks, et mis muutused on varasema pildiga toimunud 3. Eri hambakliinikutes sama aasta jooksul käies ei pea pidevalt uute piltide eest maksma, kui pole esialgset pilti USB-pulgale osanud küsida. Täna ei tea keegi midagi, kui vajadus tekib ja 5a hiljem on üsna võimatu üles leida ka inimese kontakt, kes algse pildi tegi ja sellega tegeles.

The patient is unable to understand the radiological image on their own, which causes unnecessary confusion. The correct approach should be for a specialist to clearly explain the image and the findings


Estonia has chosen a health data collection model known as the opt-out model. This means that patients cannot prohibit the collection of their data in the health information system, but they do have the option to restrict healthcare providers’ access to their health data, either on a per-document basis or for their entire digital health record. For example, if a patient requests at the end of a visit that a specific document be closed to healthcare providers, a note will be added to that document. When the doctor sends this document to the health information system, it will be closed off to other healthcare providers, according to explanations from the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Health and Welfare Information Systems Center. However, certain information from this closed document may still be accessible to national databases and registries.

The digital health record is now referred to as the health portal.

Martin Petder

Presumably, all healthcare providers should have access regardless of the service from which the images originate. The image archive ( is a service created for this purpose, but for some reason, not all images make it there.

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