Popular ideas
- Supported 129
- Don't believe in the idea 8
All hospitals in Estonia should have a unified IT system
- Supported 47
- Don't believe in the idea 5
Let’s stop purchasing volume (as insurance premium payers) and start purchasing outcomes.
- Supported 41
- Don't believe in the idea 2
Reviewing Pharmacy Markups / Active Ingredient Issues / Product Groups
All ideas
- Supported 1
- Don't believe in the idea 0
Panustada teadusesse
- Supported 2
- Don't believe in the idea 0
7 thoughts about the healthcare sector’s main problems
- Health concerns are not solved by the healthcare sector alone in the big picture, but rather by the economic success of society and the understanding at all levels of society that investing in health is worthwhile.
- Considering the current state of healthcare in Estonia, the idea of a mega-hospital …
- Supported 16
- Don't believe in the idea 12
Emergency services for a fee
- Supported 13
- Don't believe in the idea 8
Three years of mandatory work in Estonian healthcare
- Supported 63
- Don't believe in the idea 9
Emergency Medical Helicopter Service for Estonia
- Supported 10
- Don't believe in the idea 14
Illness and medication
- Supported 13
- Don't believe in the idea 3
- Supported 31
- Don't believe in the idea 10
Health portal
- Supported 100
- Don't believe in the idea 6
- Supported 17
- Don't believe in the idea 3
Parem juhtimine, parem tervishoid
- Supported 21
- Don't believe in the idea 4
The common ground in the education of doctors and nurses.
- Supported 12
- Don't believe in the idea 1
Multiple simultaneous reforms within a system.
- Supported 5
- Don't believe in the idea 1
Home nursing
- Supported 20
- Don't believe in the idea 0
- Supported 2
- Don't believe in the idea 5
- Supported 9
- Don't believe in the idea 6
1+1=3, or how private healthcare and solidary healthcare could support each other
- Supported 7
- Don't believe in the idea 6
Issues with Occupational Health Services
- Supported 28
- Don't believe in the idea 6
Do all nurses need to have a higher education, and is there really no place in emergency medical services for a category 3 paramedic from the Defense Forces?
- Supported 5
- Don't believe in the idea 0
Assessing work ability and disability
- Supported 0
- Don't believe in the idea 0
Reduced VAT for medical devices and pharmaceuticals
- Supported 14
- Don't believe in the idea 2
Estonia’s IT competence needs a better function in healthcare
- Supported 13
- Don't believe in the idea 1
Are we living beyond our means?
- Supported 5
- Don't believe in the idea 1
Public healthcare vs private healthcare
- Supported 21
- Don't believe in the idea 0
Who is leading healthcare?
- Supported 0
- Don't believe in the idea 0
Attorney at law specialized in Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Supported 10
- Don't believe in the idea 1
A lawyer specializing in healthcare and life sciences
- Supported 1
- Don't believe in the idea 3
How would private health insurance contribute to the accessibility of healthcare services?
- Supported 0
- Don't believe in the idea 0
Funding for the Estonian healthcare system has become outdated over time
- Supported 3
- Don't believe in the idea 1
Kuidas aitaks eraravikindlustus kaasa tervishoiuteenuse kättesaadavusele?
- Supported 11
- Don't believe in the idea 3
The funding of the Estonian healthcare system is outdated
- Supported 11
- Don't believe in the idea 2
The outdated funding equation versus the lack of healthcare workers
- Supported 15
- Don't believe in the idea 9
Universal healthcare
- Supported 15
- Don't believe in the idea 5
Additional funding for the healthcare sector
- Supported 45
- Don't believe in the idea 7