Privacy Policy

In this privacy notice we explain how AstraZeneca Eesti OÜ (hereinafter AstraZeneca) processes your personal data in the course of you using the idea collection website “Future of Estonian Healthcare” (hereinafter the website).

Please note that our website may contain links to other websites. Since AstraZeneca cannot control policies and practices regarding the storage or use of user data on third-party websites, we recommend reviewing the privacy notices of each such third-party website to determine how they process your personal data. Third-party websites are not covered by this privacy notice.

Astrazeneca as the controller of personal data

When you use the website, AstraZeneca processes certain personal data. AstraZeneca acts as the controller of such personal data. Below you can find more information about the types of personal data we process as well as the purposes and legal bases for processing.

The contact details of AstraZeneca are the following: AstraZeneca Eesti OÜ, registry code 11733875, address Valukoja 8/1, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia, e-mail

This privacy notice supplements the AstraZeneca privacy notice available here: The processing activities described in the privacy notice referred above are not affected by this privacy notice, and the processing activities described therein may also be relevant on this website. Information not mentioned in this privacy notice but which is required to be provided under Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR) (for example, information about your rights as a data subject) is set out in the privacy notice referred above.

Personal data processed by us, purposes and legal bases

On this website, AstraZeneca processes the personal data that you provide, such as your name, field of work, personal data contained in your idea(s) and your comments and reactions to other people’s idea(s).

AstraZeneca processes your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal bases:

  • Displaying the input you submit to the website. We process the personal data you disclose by displaying it unchanged on the website. In this case, other website users can respond to and comment on the input that you provide. For this purpose, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us via e-mail at When contacting AstraZeneca, we kindly ask you to refer as precisely as possible to the input provided on the website (for example, to include a link to your published idea). Please note that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  • Idea collection and generation. We may use the ideas submitted by you for idea collection and generation in order to use those in a non-personalised form as a part of discussions about the future of healthcare in Estonia, for example, at the Opinion Festival. The legal basis for the processing of personal data for this purpose is AstraZeneca’s legitimate interest in carrying out the idea collection and generation (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). You have the right to object to such processing under Article 21 of the GDPR if you consider that such processing is not justified on the basis of your particular situation.
    We will not use the information you provide in an identifiable form unless it is necessary for the purposes mentioned above.


AstraZeneca may share your personal data, in particular your ideas and responses to other ideas, with its cooperation partners, with whom AstraZeneca organises the idea collection and generation. Such cooperation partners are listed on the website. The recipients of your personal data may also be providers of support services related to the website, for example, the internet hosting service providers.


If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data on the website or if you would like to exercise your rights as a data subject, please contact AstraZeneca at the contact address above.