Who is leading healthcare?

It is unclear to the stakeholders who is leading Estonian healthcare – whether it is the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Health Insurance Fund, the hospital directors, or perhaps someone else entirely. Without unified leadership and a clear vision for the future, it is very difficult to move forward.

Irja Lutsar Medicine

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Panustada teadusesse

Püüame ühiselt aru saada haiguste patogeneesist. Siis saab ka kõige õigemaid ravimeetodeid kasutusele võtta. Lisaks analüüsime oma andmeid ning teeme teadmiste mitte emotsioonide põhiseid otsuseid.
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7 thoughts about the healthcare sector’s main problems

  1. Health concerns are not solved by the healthcare sector alone in the big picture, but rather by the economic success of society and the understanding at all levels of society that investing in health is worthwhile.
  2. Considering the current state of healthcare in Estonia, the idea of a mega-hospital …
  • Supported 16
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Emergency services for a fee

My recommendation would be to make ambulance services paid. Since I work in the ambulance service in Tallinn, I see how many calls are not emergencies but rather a convenience service. It's easy to call 112, and three staff members come and give paracetamol – people have no sense of …
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