The outdated funding equation versus the lack of healthcare workers
Long-term demographic changes have simultaneously placed two pressures on the healthcare system. Firstly, there is a need to enhance the solidarity-based insurance scheme, where a traditional employment contract worker alone cannot sustain the aging clientele of the healthcare system through their taxes.
And secondly, is how to serve relatively more clients with an aging and decreasing workforce of doctors and nurses. The training of doctors and nurses has already been raised to the maximum possible level, but surpassing the natural background is hardly feasible.
All funding ideas should be viewed in this context – whether they help consolidate and better implement or conversely, fragment and create artificial additional burdens. Here’s my understanding, which I already advocated for as a minister – strong solidarity-based health insurance must be preserved, but funding cannot depend on the popularity of classical employment relationships. In my opinion, we need a health tax similar to income tax instead of today’s social tax, paid by all forms of workers and income earners, regardless of whether the type of income is dividends, wages, or something else.
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7 thoughts about the healthcare sector’s main problems
- Health concerns are not solved by the healthcare sector alone in the big picture, but rather by the economic success of society and the understanding at all levels of society that investing in health is worthwhile.
- Considering the current state of healthcare in Estonia, the idea of a mega-hospital …
- Supported 16
- Don't believe in the idea 12
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