Home nursing
Optimize the home nursing service. It seems that the Health Insurance Fund has not audited this service. Based on personal experience, a family nurse in Tallinn spends time driving through the city during rush hour, only to spend less than 5 minutes with a patient to fill a gap in family doctor services. If the local government’s social department and the home nursing service could find common perspectives, they could genuinely help those in need. Instead of driving from door to door asking standard questions just to tick a box, they could provide meaningful assistance.
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Panustada teadusesse
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7 thoughts about the healthcare sector’s main problems
- Health concerns are not solved by the healthcare sector alone in the big picture, but rather by the economic success of society and the understanding at all levels of society that investing in health is worthwhile.
- Considering the current state of healthcare in Estonia, the idea of a mega-hospital …
- Supported 16
- Don't believe in the idea 12
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