The future of Estonian healthcare

Join us by brainstorming and contributing your ideas to this platform in order to collectively find new and cross-sectoral solutions to the funding challenges facing the Estonian healthcare system

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Emergency Medical Helicopter Service for Estonia

Estonia needs a modern and specialized emergency medical helicopter!

Our emergency medical system is of very high quality. However, distances are long, and the timely and safe transport of time-critical patients to hospitals could be faster and more secure.

To ensure that rapid emergency medical assistance reaches everyone, Estonia needs a specialized emergency medical helicopter with a dispatch time of 3-5 minutes from the alarm.

In critical situations, every minute counts (2+1 roads, traffic jams, etc.). Even with emergency driving, it takes over half an hour to reach a regional hospital from central Estonia by road, during which time the patient’s condition may drastically worsen! Moreover, the roads are heavily trafficked, which could endanger the lives of the ambulance crew (instead of one patient, there could be four… or even fatalities).

The helicopter crew’s equipment could also include full blood products, which are crucial in traffic accidents and other major traumatic events to ensure the patient survives the trip to the hospital.

Let’s bring the capabilities of mobile intensive care to a new level! We will reduce transport time in the pre-hospital phase, ensure the availability of specialist doctors at the scene, and create the possibility for “Stay and Play” (on-site initial surgical capabilities, etc.). We will ensure continuity of operations in situations where the Police and Border Guard Board’s (PPA) helicopter is occupied and cannot respond to medical flights. We will also assist the Rescue Board, with whom we can collaborate in searching for missing persons or rescuing them from dangerous locations. Additionally, we will improve the provision of emergency medical care in sparsely populated areas, where there may be only one crew, or the road journey takes longer than 15 minutes. We will transport the patient quickly to the appropriate hospital stage and leave the local crew to continue covering the area.

Ruben Rembel Healthcare

Additional suggestions

Ruben Rembel

I also added the idea to the platform. If the idea gathers enough signatures, it will be brought to the Riigikogu for discussion. Here is the link:

Malle Pilt

Estonia needs to develop in this direction because emergency medical care has become very difficult to access from remote areas. Let’s prioritize this.

Malle Pilt

Completely agree. Roofs should be equipped for helicopter landings.
Very necessary, I think. I am fully in favor!!!

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