Illness and medication
If any doctor would care to treat a patient without prescribing medication, by adjusting diet, attitude, and breathing. I understand it’s a vain hope. As long as doctors get paid for prescribing pills, nothing will change.
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7 thoughts about the healthcare sector’s main problems
- Health concerns are not solved by the healthcare sector alone in the big picture, but rather by the economic success of society and the understanding at all levels of society that investing in health is worthwhile.
- Considering the current state of healthcare in Estonia, the idea of a mega-hospital …
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Additional suggestions
Fortunately, it is already the case that doctors do not receive payment for prescribing medication and treat the patient as a whole. For example, there are resources available to patients, such as the guidelines on healthy lifestyles, which can be accessed at The responsibility for one’s health ultimately lies with the individual, and the doctor can only support this with modern, evidence-based treatment methods.
Without medication, the patient should take care of their own treatment. The doctor can’t force healthy food into their mouth if they don’t want it themselves.